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Mask & Screening Requirements Remain Unchanged in Dental Offices

The requirements regarding masks and screening in office-based healthcare practices were imposed by Administrative Order No. 2021-11 issued by the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs on May 6, 2021. Click Here. Those requirements have not been amended or rescinded and remain in full force and effect.

On Friday, March 4, 2022, Governor Philip D. Murphy signed Executive Order 292 terminating the previously declared Public Health Emergency and certain mitigation protocols. However, in paragraph 6 of the Order, he expressly stated “All actions taken by any Executive Branch departments and agencies in whole or in part to respond to the Public Health Emergency presented by the COVID-19 outbreak”, including Administrative Orders, “will remain in effect until revoked or modified by the department or agency head, or until the State of Emergency [declared in Executive Order No 103] is no longer in effect, whichever is sooner”. Click Here. Therefore, the mask and screening requirements pertaining to office-based healthcare practices, including dental offices, remain in effect at this time.