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Updated May 3, 2023

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Masking Directive For Hospitals Is Lifted

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New Jersey healthcare facilities (hospitals, etc.) are now following the same COVID-19 masking guidance as private practices.

You may have seen in the news that New Jersey no longer has a statewide universal directive requiring that people in all health care facilities wear masks to fight COVID-19. This means that healthcare facilities (hospitals, etc.) are now following the same guidance as private practices. 

The guidance states that healthcare practitioners should regularly check the COVID-19 transmission levels for their county published by the CDC (updated weekly) and adjust prevention policies accordingly.  Currently all NJ counties are rated LOW (as of 5/3/23)  which means masks are not required for patients in waiting areas and pre-screening is not required. 

Individual practices may adopt more stringent masking policies for the public and their staff if they desire. 


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