Get Answers to Your Dental Insurance Questions
ADA Third Party Payer Concierge
The ADA Third Party Payer Concierge is here to help members with questions and issues regarding coding, EOBs and more. Submit a question by email or phone (9:30am-6:00pm) and their dental benefits experts will respond to your inquiry within 48 hours.
Email: dentalbenefits@ada.orgPhone #: 800-621-8099
Coding question? Email the ADA Coding Specialists.
Email: dentalcode@ada.org
Have Your Contract Reviewed Before You Sign It
The ADA’s contract analysis service helps member dentists analyze contract terms for a variety of contract types including dental provider contracts with third-party payers. This service provides members with information about a proposed contract to make it easier to understand its terms. The analysis is not a substitute for legal advice.
To use the service, submit a copy of the unsigned contract and request for analysis to NJDA Public Affairs Coordinator Jeffrey Wood at jwood@njda.org. For legal advice, please learn about our member benefits with Mandelbaum Barrett Attorneys at Law. MORE